One of the assignments for my social media class was to create a one day training for my professional colleagues to attend. My group came up with the idea below.
In order to do this one day training, we would ask our bosses to allow everyone to have the day off on Friday and instead have a conference held in downtown Nashville to teach how to use social media professionally. Below is how we would organize the training:
Session 1 - Overview of social media (What it is and Why it's important) from 9-11am
Break for lunch
Session 2 - Twitter/ Facebook (How to use it professionally) 1-2pm
Session 3 - Linked In/ YouTube (How to use it professionally) 2:25-3:15pm
Session 4 - Professional Do's and Don't in Social Media 3:30-4:30
We would promote this conference through e-vites to our colleagues, we would put a poster up in the break-room, and make an event page on Facebook.
Hopefully through this one day training our colleagues will learn the importance of social media and how to use it professionally.
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